

£1 billion social impact by 2025

7 March 2023
£1 billion social impact Neighbourly

It is clear that we're living in unprecedented times; the crises of a global pandemic, war, cost of living, and recession have exposed the stark inequalities that exist in our world, and now more than ever, there is a need for businesses and individuals to take positive action.

In response, progressive businesses are transitioning from the traditional focus on shareholder value to a more holistic view of ‘stakeholders’, with an increased desire to make a meaningful difference in the world. As a result, social and environmental positive impact is no longer a nice-to-have, but a must-have.

Yet, we must move faster. It is crucial that our efforts result in tangible positive impacts in our communities, so that stakeholders, including customers and employees, can witness the effects of ESG initiatives. Transparency is key to prove that real and lasting positive change is being made.

So far, the Neighbourly platform has facilitated over £780 million of impact into local communities across the UK and Ireland, and we have set a further goal to deliver £1 billion of positive impact by 2025.

We measure impact by calculating the combined value of all donated products, food, money, and volunteer time through the platform, and every business we work with can see exactly how they have contributed to this number.

The Neighbourly platform makes it easier than ever for businesses and our 35,000-strong (and growing) network of local good causes to connect. Our technology enables funds, volunteers, and product donations to be effectively matched with the local communities who need it most.

These smaller, local charitable organisations have the potential to make a huge impact on social and environmental issues, but their capacity is limited by a lack of resources, funding, and restrictive public policies. By leveraging the power of technology, we can help them to overcome these barriers and focus on what they do best - building healthy, happy and sustainable communities. Our goal, with the help of our partners, is to protect and expand this vibrant and resilient population of local community organisations.

Everyone can contribute, whether they are a company, individual, local charity, or good cause. Together, we can help our local communities thrive in the face of adversity.

Our mission is to generate £1 billion of measurable social impact by 2025, and we need your help to make this happen. We're grateful to all those who have already made such a huge contribution, and for those who would like to join us in creating tangible change, sign up now.

Let's work together to make a difference. Global change starts locally.